

The following apply to both individual and corporate donors.

    1. OSN Foundation Donors – individuals or corporate who donate any amount of money will have their name and the amount donated against their name written in the OSN Foundation Register.
    2. OSN Foundation Friends – donors of amounts from N10,000.00 to N99,999.99 ($74.00-$740.00) will have their name and the amount donated against their name written in the OSN Foundation Register. The name will also be inscribed on a list displayed at the Secretariat of OSN.
    3. OSN Foundation Silver Donors – donors of amounts from N100,000.00 to N499,999.99, ($741.00 – $3,700.00) will have their name written in the Foundation Register and inscribed in SILVER on a plaque in the secretariat.
    4. OSN Foundation Gold Donors – donors of amounts from N500,000.00 to N999,999.99, ($3,700.00-$7,600) will have their name written in the Foundation Register and inscribed in GOLD on a plaque in the secretariat.
    5. OSN Foundation Platinum donors – donors of amounts from N1,000,000.00 ($7,601-$37,899.00) N4,999,999.00, will have their name written in the Foundation Register and inscribed in GOLD with a trimming of SILVER on a plaque in the secretariat.
    6. OSN Foundation Benefactor – donors of amounts from N5,000,000.00 to N9,999,999.99 ($37,900-$75,814) will have their name inscribed in GOLD with SILVER trimmings and if an individual, shall be automatically represented on the OSN Board.
    7. OSN Foundation Patrons – donors of amounts from N10,000,000.00 ($75,815) and over will have their name inscribed in GOLD with SILVER trimmings and will be automatically represented on the Board. In addition, all OSN Foundation Patrons shall have their names on the Foundation Official Stationeries.

Donations are cumulative. That is, donors will have the opportunity of moving from a lower category to a higher one by giving the difference at any time later.

Please send contributions and requests for additional information to:
Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria Foundation (OSN Foundation)
Dr. Charles Bekibele FMCOph.
Department of Ophthalmology University College Hospital, Ibadan

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